In a dark and tense room, dim lights cast dark shadows on the walls, creating a stuffy, cold atmosphere. In the middle of the room, a man wearing an elegant...
On a peaceful afternoon, sunlight gently shines through the window, creating a warm space in the family living room. The father was resting on the soft sofa, deep in sleep...
In the warm and friendly atmosphere of a family kitchen, a mother is gently instructing her young daughter how to make a beautiful cake. The kitchen is neatly decorated, with...
In this challenge, you will follow a brave policewoman on a mission to break into a mysterious tattoo shop. The tattoo shop is located deep in a dark alley, with...
You will enter a mysterious and ghostly space, where a ghostly medicine cabinet is waiting for your discovery. This cabinet is not like any ordinary medicine cabinet, but it contains...
The scene in this spot the difference challenge takes you into the cozy and luxurious space of a high-class restaurant, where a man is enjoying his exquisite meal. Meanwhile, a...
In this spot the difference challenge, you will be immersed in a colorful and free scene, where three brave pilots are stopping after a long flight with a bright yellow...
In this spot the difference challenge, you will enter a mysterious and wild landscape, where a unique house is located in the middle of a dense forest, surrounded by wild...
In this find the difference challenge, you will be immersed in the beautiful scenery of a peaceful afternoon in a green park. The boy and girl are sitting together, playing...
You will discover the image of a spacious school, located in the middle of a large and green lawn, but empty of people. This painting evokes a peaceful and quiet...