Hello! Welcome to the spot the difference challenge at an adorable rural farm! This is where you will see cows, goats, pigs and horses living in a colorful and active farm space.

In this picture you will see a scene with animals doing different things on the farm. There can be farm work, fun animal activities and many other interesting details.
Your task is to find the differences between two almost identical pictures. These differences can be in any detail in the painting, from the colors of the animals to the farm items and surrounding activities.

Prepare a pen and paper to jot down any differences you discover. Observe slowly and check every detail so you don’t miss anything.
Hope you find all the differences and have a fun day on the farm!

Here is an image showing a noticeable difference and highlighting the details that caught the eye. Sometimes the subtleties may go unnoticed, but your search for details was not in vain.